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Other Color Heirloom Tomato

Ananas Noir $3.50

Means “black pineapple” It is predominately green, with brownish splotches.-Quite odd. It’s a large indeterminate plant, very productive, nice flavor, sweet but not tangy. Sort of mellow sweet.Very Unusual. 

Chocolate Cherokee $3.50

Rare, Beautiful, 5″ Milk Chocolate color, rich flavor. Beautiful, and productive Mid-Late season, Indeterminate. Top 10. 

Feuerwerk $3.50

I’m including this variety simply because of the audacity of it’s appearance! Orange and yellow pin stripes with white random scarring give it the look of a firework exploding. Outrageous. Not productive or delicious, and has a thick skin, but oh so pretty.

Pesta $3.50

Beautiful, heart-shaped delicious red/gold bicolor. Large fruit, Juicy, with few seeds. My favorite bi/color. Late season, grown in greenhouse. Indeterminate. Endangered. 

Tiger Tom $3.50

Reddish orange with yellow stripes. There are several varieties similar to this one but Tiger Tom produces best for me. A mid sized, indeterminate plant, unusual looking tomatoes that taste nice.

Potato Leaf White $3.50

A medium, mid season, white tomato. Potato leaf foliage. This one has been the most productive white with good sweet juicy flavor. Performs well in the field. White spaghetti sauce is really cool! Indeterminate. Heirloom. 

Vintage Wine $3.50

Vintage Wine is so beautiful, I just had to list it. It has rose and yellow pin stripes when ripe. Often these unusual colors or forms are not that productive but this one is an exception. Large indeterminate plants with high production in greenhouse.